Product Review: Skoop A-Game Powder
September is one of those months that I always can’t wait to be over. Don’t get me wrong; I love Labor Day, the start of pumpkin spice lattes (let’s be honest: pumpkin anything), and the promise that fall weather is soon on its way (you hear that, Texas? Any day now… would be nice), but it also marks the start of another busy school year and too many obligations than I know how to keep straight. Well–this is the LAST year that school will be a problem, and thankfully a product I tried out helped me through the madness that is September.
Skoop – Product Review
Skoop reached out to me and informed me about their ridiculously simple, yet super-ly awesome (what, super-ly’s not a word? … it should be) nutritional product, and I knew I had to try it. In order to better explain why I needed something ridiculously simple and super, let’s give you a rundown of my typical Tuesday and Thursday schedule:
6 AM – Alarm (Hah! You must be joking… snooze)
6:15 AM – Alarm 2 (omg, NO. Just like 2 more hours, please. snooze)
6:30 AM – Alarm 3 (Ok, ok fine, you win.)
6:35 AM – Shower, dress, makeup, hair, pop bagel into toaster, warm up coffee
7 AM – Coffee in thermos, cream cheese on bagel, out the door, drive from Dallas to Denton while munching on bagel
7:45 AM – Get in studio, go over daily events for the day’s newsbreak
8 AM – Write for news break, go over writing, edit, write again, go over weather
9 AM – Go in studio, go on-air with news break (yay, done with on-cam for the day!)
9:15 AM – Go through stories available for news cast, start putting rundown together, research stories
11 AM – Class, take notes profusely since this professor has apparently never heard of a book, nor a PowerPoint presentation
12:20 PM – start up rundown, plug in missing stories and edit video
1:30 PM – start newscast, help reporters with writing and answer questions, go over writing and edit
4 PM – get started to going into studio
4:30 PM – run-through of newscast
5 PM – taping of newscast
5:50 PM – go over newscast for flaws
6:20 PM – FINALLY go home
So, what?
As you can see, it’s a pretty busy day. And, did you notice that the only thing I got to eat all day was a lousy bagel? (ok, it wasn’t that lousy, but still…) That’s where Skoop comes in. You see, with all the equipment and computers, we can’t risk having food in the studio during the day. Not to mention that a sandwich or any other pre-made meal is out of the question, considering it would go bad by the time I finally got at it.
By introducing Skoop, I was able to get a meal replacement that would stay fresh until I got a second to add water and enjoy. I mixed a full Skoop of the A-Game with a full serving of B-Strong with ice-cold water and shook it up. I was able to get through a newscast without shakes, headaches or fatigues, so in my book, Skoop is a winner for me!
The Take Away
The only thing I would have liked would be to have the A-Game and the B-Strong together. I asked the Skoop representative about this, and she made the point that doing so would limit the product for those that only want to “up” their “A Game” without putting in more protein, and visa-versa. Also, I realized I could just stop being nit-picky and just mix the two together in my own jar.
I like the fact that the product is pretty tasty, as well. Mine honestly tasted like those Belvita Blueberry Crisps, so I enjoyed it both with 2% milk and cold water. And anything that tastes good AND has ten fruits and veggies in one serving is A-OK in my book! They’ve also got some pretty tasty-looking recipes using Skoop powders on their Pinterest board.
Skoop helped me survive a couple really busy days where I otherwise would not have eaten. And the serving size fit perfectly in my purse, so it was easy to take on the go. That was the major selling point of this product–it’s convenient for those with a really busy schedule and little-to-no time to eat.
Where do I get me some?
Well, lucky for you my dashing dears, Skoop has been so kind as to give all of my dear readers 10% off their orders! Just head HERE enter DASH10 during check out 🙂
Let me know how you enjoy it! Thank you so much, Skoop for the added Superfood boost to my everyday busy shenanigans!
![]() | By Sarah Lati |
Sarah is a Marketing Specialist at Altair Global. Sarah writes about events, experiences, and happenings around Dallas, Texas and Plano. Sarah is a blogger, foodie, and brand advocate, dedicating her free time to DIY craft tutorials, creating new recipes, and reviewing products. | |